
Pluto in 3rd House

In astrology, the natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment you were born. It provides insight into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Each planet is associated with different areas of your life, and the position of the planets can reveal important information about your past, present, and future. If Pluto […]

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Pluto in 12th House

Pluto in 12th house can be a difficult placement for many people. This is because Pluto is all about transformation, and the 12th house is all about secrets and the subconscious. When Pluto is in this position, you may find yourself dealing with hidden issues and buried emotions. You may also be more intuitive than

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Pluto In 2nd House

Pluto in 2nd house is a placement that emphasizes the role of material possessions and personal values in our lives. This house is associated with Pluto\’s keywords of transformation, regeneration, and power. Pluto here brings a deeper awareness of the psychological effects of our possessions and the space they take up in our lives. On

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