I can show you what kind of education lies within your ability, giving you a head start for career training.

Vocational skills
I can show you which jobs are particularly suited for you so you can take charge of directing your career, saving you a lot of wasted time searching.
I can show you what kind of person you need in a relationship. I can do a comparison chart of two people to show what, and where the challenge could be in the relationship. This can eliminate the stress and heartache of failed relationships.
Understanding what spirituality is starts with understanding your self, for how can you understand your Creator if you don’t understand what, and for what purpose you have been created for.
A gift
Don’t know what to give that person that has everything . How about an Astrological chart. This is also a great gift for a new baby. Giving the parents a valuable insight, a tool, of knowing what the child needs are in life.
Problem Child
There comes a time in every parent-child relationship that creates stress. This is due to a lack of understanding how to relate to the needs of this Child. An Astrological chart can give the parent-s a lot of help, making for less stressful situations.
You have to love your self first, before you can share this with an other. Understanding your self, can help you decide what it is you need in an other.
Horary Astrology
This chart has the same bases as the birth chart the date, place and time. However, this chart is based on a question, such as:
� Where did I loose my ring�?
�Should I take this job�?
�Should I start my own business at this time�?
The exact time is needed when this question is asked. In other words the time zone, date, and place, the person asking the question lives. This can also be very helpful in finding answers, when you have exhausted all other avenues.
Solar Return
The Sun makes a return to the exact place of birth ones a year on your birthday. The Solar Return chart gives you the opportunity, when compared to the birth chart, to show you which area of live, by house, and sign, is emphasized. Giving you the opportunity to evaluate this area. This is usually done at the same time you have your chart progressed.
Progressed Charts
It would be nice if we could use our birth chart for the rest of our life. However the birth chart shows our basic possibilities, our foundation. As we get older, we progress in life, we become more through what we experience. The progressed chart is exactly that is shows us what, and how, we are using those possibilities. Birth is the beginning, the progression is the promise of the birth.