Venus in 3rd House

Venus in 3rd House gives natives an attractive, engaging manner of speaking. They come across as convincing and interesting, and they prefer a lover who is a good conversationalist over someone who always looks good. In Venus-ruled areas of life, such as love and relationships, these natives need stimulation and mental stimulation more than anything […]

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Jupiter in 3rd House

Jupiter in 3rd House is the planet of abundance and the ruler of the third house of communication. Jupiter in the third house creates an individual with an optimistic outlook on life, excellent communication skills, and a love of learning. This Jupiter-ruled individual is always expanding their mind and sharing their knowledge with others. Jupiter

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Mars in 4th House

Amongst the planets, Mars is uniquely associated with the home. In classical astrology, Mars in 4th house indicated a person who was fiercely protective of their family and their personal space. This placement also suggested a passionate individual, who took great pleasure in all things domestic. Today, we might say that someone with Mars in

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Neptune in Scorpio

Neptune in Scorpio is a very intriguing and challenging placement. Those with Neptune in Scorpio are often very logical and analytical, but they are also deeply interested in anything that challenges their thinking. They are fascinated by the hidden side of things, and they often have a knack for uncovering secrets. Neptune in Scorpio is

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Pluto in 3rd House

In astrology, the natal chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment you were born. It provides insight into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Each planet is associated with different areas of your life, and the position of the planets can reveal important information about your past, present, and future. If Pluto

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