Jupiter in Libra

Do you have trouble making decisions? Do you feel like you can’t seem to catch a break? You might be feeling the effects of Jupiter in Libra. This planetary alignment can often make people indecisive and give them a sense of unease. However, there are ways to counteract these negative effects. In this blog post, […]

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Chiron in Virgo

If your placement is Chiron in Virgo, then you should read this article. This astrological transit occurs when Chiron, the wounded healer, moves into the sign of Virgo. During this time, we are motivated to take an honest look at ourselves and make changes that will help us live our lives more fully. What Does

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Chiron in Libra

In this blog post, we will explore the effects of Chiron in Libra and how you can use this information to your advantage! Do you have trouble making decisions? Do you find that you are indecisive when it comes to relationships? If so, you may be feeling the influence of Chiron in Libra. This celestial

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Neptune in 2nd House

People who are influenced by Neptune in 2nd House are foggy regarding material possessions because of this placement. They may be unsure how much money they have and where it is going each month. This can result in Neptune in the second house natives being financially exploited or making poor investments. Neptune’s dreamy and utopian

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Venus in 3rd House

Venus in 3rd House gives natives an attractive, engaging manner of speaking. They come across as convincing and interesting, and they prefer a lover who is a good conversationalist over someone who always looks good. In Venus-ruled areas of life, such as love and relationships, these natives need stimulation and mental stimulation more than anything

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